This quick butt and thigh workout is actually moderately challenging in that it is going to have the muscles of your lower body screaming and protesting, but, because it’s so short it’s also completely doable. Push through the burning of your muscles and you will feel proud of yourself when you’re finished. Those exercises allow you to use the kind of weight necessary to build the sort of muscle tissue that ultimately gives the glutes a nice, round shape.

4 booty blast workouts

Begin in a traditional pushup position with palms on the floor and shoulders aligned directly over elbows, maintaining a straight line from shoulders to toes. Lift right foot off the floor and draw right knee directly under navel. Then raise right knee to the side as high as possible until it is parallel to the floor. Repeat for 30 seconds, then perform move with left leg for 30 seconds. Keep the 3 Hs in mind: head, hips, and heels.(Keeping these three body parts aligned throughout the entire movement will keep you in proper form).
2. Karate Kick-Outs: 
Begin in a traditional lunge position. Drop hips as low as possible into a deep lunge. At the bottom, shift weight onto back leg while rising from lunge position, kicking front with left leg. After 30 seconds, switch stance and kick right foot for 30 seconds.(To protect spine, pretend shoulder blades are squeezing a lemon hard enough to produce juice).
3. Rockin' Horse: 
Begin in a traditional lunge position with right foot approximately three feet behind left foot with hands on hips. Be sure weight is equally distributed between both feet. In one explosive motion, shift weight onto left foot and lift back foot off the ground. Quickly jump back onto right foot. Continue jumping from front foot to back as fast as possible while remaining low in a lunge position. After 30 seconds, switch legs and repeat with right foot in front for 30 seconds.(To maintain proper form, stand up straight and keep chin parallel to the ground).
4. Forward Merry-Go-Rounds: 
Lift right foot off the floor and draw right knee directly under navel before raising it as high as possible until parallel to the floor. Draw large forward circles with right knee, keeping it bent throughout the entire movement. Be sure to circle knee above hip every time you reach the top of the circle.(Repeat for 30 seconds, then perform move with left leg for 30 seconds).


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